Tooted puuduvad
Hinnad sisaldavad makse
Tooted puuduvad
Hinnad sisaldavad makse
Light and sophisticated, alluring and seductive, this fragrance unveils “an elegant perfume of cherished memories”: a wonderful bouquet of white owers with both a delicate and decisive character. An explosion of oral notes which reawaken the emotions and memories of an energy purely feminine. This highly refined fragrance is best for shared living spaces...
Kerge ja kogenud, võluv ja võrgutav aroom tutvustab „hinnaliste mälestuste elegantset parfüümi“: imelist valgete kimpude kimpu, millel on nii delikaatne kui ka otsustav iseloom. Suuliste nootide plahvatus, mis äratab emotsioonid ja mälestused puhtalt naiselikust energiast.See ülimalt rafineeritud aroom sobib kõige paremini nii ühiskasutatavate eluruumide...
Light and sophisticated, alluring and seductive, this fragrance unveils “an elegant perfume of cherished memories”: a wonderful bouquet of white owers with both a delicate and decisive character. An explosion of oral notes which reawaken the emotions and memories of an energy purely feminine. This highly refined fragrance is best for shared living spaces...