Tooted puuduvad
Hinnad sisaldavad makse
Tooted puuduvad
Hinnad sisaldavad makse
Nigeeria kaasaegne kirjandus on viimastel aastatel pälvinud palju rahvusvahelist tunnustust ja austust. Olgu see poliitiline või poeetiline, austus ja selgus selliste kirjanike sõnades nagu Chinua Achebe ja Wole Soyinka aitasid kujundada selle mõtlemapaneva Roads Past Presence Eau de Parfum'i omadusi. Bergamoti ja suitsutatud musta tee elegantsed tipunoodid segunevad vaevata klassikalise jasmiiniga, samas kui Tonka oa pehmus ja soojus lisavad täiusliku tausta.
ROADS Fragrances are created in partnership with some of the most highly regarded perfumers in the industry. The process takes nearly a year of work to fine-tune the exact scent from each brief. During that period, every element is refined to produce the highest of standards, resulting in a complex and multi-layered scent.
It is the briefs, however, that have been the most innovative element to how fragrance creation is approached. Each of our fragrances is based on a specific theme. The theme could be a person, an emotion, a natural phenomenon, a geographical place, a state of mind or a period in recent history.
The Africa Collection is an exciting collaboration of culture. Inspirational African ingredients are combined with the evocative influences of literature, art and dance to create fragrances that evoke feelings of sensual sophistication, radiance and warmth.
Maht | 50 ml |
Sex | Unisex |